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List of cell lines available


1.   JNCSRe001-A (BJNhem19) :

2.   JNCSRe002-A (BJNhem20) :

3.   BJNhem20-OCIAD1-CRISPR-20

4.   BJNhem20-OCIAD1-CRISPR-39

5.   BJNhem20-TetR

6.   BJNhem20-OCIAD1-Tet-On.1

7.   BJNhem20-OCIAD1-OV

8.   BJNhem20-Asrij

9.   BJNhem20-pCAG-tdTomato

10. BJNhem20-pCAG-tdEGFP

11. BJNhem20-OCIAD2-CRISPR-33 

12. BJNhem20-OCIAD2-CRISPR-40
13. BJNhem20-OCIAD2-OV


​General information


​The human embryonic stem (ES) cell lines BJNhem19 and BJNhem20 may be obtained by academic and non-academic researchers. All requests require that an application is made to the DBT Steering Committee for the Use of Human Stem Cell Lines (referred to as the DBT Steering Committee). Applications must be submitted in the approved format along with evidence of approval from the appropriate ethics committee(s), for scrutiny by the DBT Steering Committee. JNCASR cannot approve applications for access to its stem cell lines.  Upon approval of the application, applicants will need to sign a Material Access Agreement (MAA) with JNCASR and have negotiated a Materials Use Licence. JNCASR is unable to release cells to researchers without copies of the documents that prove that the researcher has (i) obtained the necessary permission from the DBT Steering Committee to undertake the work (ii) provided a copy of the necessary approval from the Institutional Committee for Stem Cell Research (IC-SCR) or equivalent review committee. (iii) entered into an appropriate agreement with JNCASR to allow access to the cell lines. (iv) paid the necessary charges for obtaining the cells.


Before requesting the human ES cell line, please consider the following


​1. JNCASR will provide only one frozen vial per Requestor of the hES cell line requested, from a batch that is tested for thawing efficiency, pluripotency, normal karyotype and differentiation.

2. We cannot provide additional vials or replacements. Kindly ensure that sufficient expertise is available with your group for culture of human ES cells. The protocol for culture of BJNhem19 and BJNhem20 can be downloaded by clicking here.

3. Kindly ensure that you have procedures in place to comply with ICMR/DBT guidelines on stem cell research 

4. Ensure that your organization has a suitable institutional review committee as per local governance structures or ICMR.   

5. Obtain approval from the appropriate ethics review committee for your project and submit a copy of the approval certificate with your application.

6. The cost of shipping and responsibility for documents required for the same will be borne by the Requestor.


Obtaining human ES cell lines derived at JNCASR


​1. Submit your application in the approved format only to

    Dr. Alka Sharma 
    Director/Scientist 'F', Medical Biotechnology Division
    R. No. 713, Department of Biotechnology,
    Ministry of Science and Technology, Government of India,
    Block 2, C.G.O Complex, Lodhi Road, New Delhi
    Phone : 0091-11-24363699;  Fax: 0091-11-24362884


Subject line: Application for Utilization of hESC Lines

Mark a copy to:

​2. After obtaining approval from DBT Steering Committee, please send a formal request for the cell line to Please attach a copy of a] your application b] DBT Steering Committee approval and c] IC-SCRT approval.

​3. JNCASR will then send the Requestor a Materials Transfer Agreement (MTA) and a Material Use License (MUL) as appropriate.

​4. Upon return of the signed MTA and MUL, JNCASR will provide a proforma invoice to the Requestor.

5. After payment is received by JNCASR, the laboratory may be contacted for cell line pick up.

​5. Please send shipping and billing address and related information to


Cell line information


Human Embryonic stem cell lines currently available from JNCASR are BJNhem19 and BJNhem20. The cell lines are karyotypically normal, sibling human ES cell lines representing the Indian ethnic genetic background. They were derived from the inner cell mass (ICM) of grade III poor-quality blastocysts that were not suitable for in vitro fertility treatment.  Both the lines are pluripotent and have been extensively characterized and cultured continuously for over 250 passages.


Derivatives of the cell lines have also been tested and details are in the publications listed below.


Additional Information


UKSCB accession nos. R-08-021 and R-08-022

BJNhem19 (NIH Registration no. 0083) and BJNhem20 (NIH Registration no. 0084) human ES cell lines are eligible for use in NIH-supported research under the new Guidelines.


Stem Cell Forum (Ministry of Science and Technology):




  1. Inamdar et al. (2009). Derivation and characterization of two sibling human embryonic stem cell lines from discarded grade III embryos. Stem Cells Dev. 18: 423-433

  2. Venu et al. (2010). Analysis of long term culture properties and pluripotent character of two sibling human embryonic stem cell lines derived from discarded embryos. In vitro Cell. Dev. Biol. - Animal. 46: 200-205.

  3. Screening ethnically diverse human embryonic stem cells identifies a chromosome 20 minimal amplicon conferring growth advantage. Nature Biotechnology. doi. 10.1038/nbt.2051(Nov 2011).

  4. Shetty et al. (2016). Generation of transgenic human embryonic stem cell line BJNHem20-OCIAD1-OV. Lab Resource: Stem Cell Research.16(1), pp.192-194.

  5. Shetty et al. (2016). Generation of human embryonic stem cell line expressing green fluorescent protein. Lab Resource: Stem Cell Research. 16(2), pp.311-313.

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